Ed.D. in Educational Technology
The doctoral concentration in Educational Technology has been designed to prepare leaders in the field of technological applications and innovation in the world of education and business. All courses for this program are taken with a cadre, or team, with an annual intake in the fall. Course work is integrated with 60 percent face-to-face meetings and 40 percent online segments, creating a truly distributed learning environment. The majority of communication occurs online through newsgroups, Web pages, and real-time "chat" in a virtual environment hosted by BlackBoard and Pepperdine.
Online classes are conducted on the Internet, in synchronous (chat-based) and asynchronous (threaded discussions) settings, and face-to-face classes are offered at the West Los Angeles Graduate Campus, on the East Coast, and at a national conference location. To facilitate online communication and assignment completion, all students are required to purchase a laptop computer.
Concentration courses focus on advanced learning theory as it is related to product design, the relationship between humans and computers, and the special management issues that surround technology. In addition, core courses are geared toward the technological environment where appropriate. All students complete a five-unit consultancy, and as part of the policy development course, spend several days in Washington, DC, discussing technology and education policy with national leaders.
Most students accepted into the program have at least three years beyond a masters degree and at least 5 years experience in an educational technology environment. Although the Fall term and courses for the doctoral program in educational technology begin in September, the five-day mandatory TechCamp© takes place in July. Attendance for face-to-face sessions is required for five extended weeks (most occurring over a part of weekend) each year.